Alpha Legion vs. Solar Auxilia / Mechanicum- 2000 Centurion

The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”

-Thukydides, Terran chronicler of ancient Grekian warfare, circa M-0.5

This game took place in May 2017, at the fabulous Face of Oblivion event in beautiful Queensland, Australia, organised by the Eye of Horus Podcast fellows. This was one of the first events I know of that significantly pushed Points of Interest and other extra narrative nonsense, which most people seem to enjoy, and had a big influence on future Mournival Events held in Sydney. While the precise details of each game turn have somewhat faded in my memory, I’ll try to reach back into the depths of my mind and give as good an account as I can.